Deep cycle Lithium Ion Battery 48V 100Ah solar home storage battery
Nominal voltage48V
Typical capacity100卤3Ah( At 0.2C discharge rate)
DischargeNormal current25A
Max continuous current50A锛堚墹5min锛?/td>
Cut-off voltageAbout 40V
Charge modeCC/CV锛宲lease use special lithium charger
Inner resistanceDischarging Inner resistance鈮?60m惟
humidity rangeCharge0鈩冿綖+45鈩?/td>
When the environment temperature is higher than 45鈩冿紝please pay attention to ventilation and heat rejection.
HumidityRH鈮?85%, When the environment humidity is higher than 85%锛宲lease pay attention to protect
humidity rangetemperature0鈩冿綖40鈩冿紙Capacity 80%锛塕ecommended long-term storage temperature is 15~25鈩?/td>
humidityRH鈮?50%锛孍asily oxidized components note sealed
Protection functionOver charge protection 銆?Over discharge protection 銆丱ver current protection銆?Temperature protection銆丅alanced function
Shell materialSteel shell
Size锛圠*W*H锛?/td> 锛?83卤1锛塵m *锛?30卤1锛塵m *锛?64卤1锛塵m
CycleStandard charge at 0.2C锛圓锛? rest 0.5~1 h锛宒ischarge at 0.2C to cut off voltage锛宺est 0.5~1h,repeat the above steps until 1500 cycles.( capacity retention rate鈮?80%)

Product characteristics:
LCD screen, convenient setting button, painted steel shell, wall mounted accessories and cables. In order to welcome global cooperation, we accept OEM customization of your own products.

Intelligent BMS, equalization module, RS485/RS232/CAN communication protocol, matching grid connected, hybrid and off grid solar inverters.

Product Introduction:
1.The wall-mounted lithium energy storage battery use long working life LiFePO4 battery, wall mounted installation is more convenient and beautiful, high performance BMSto protect and manage the battery system, it has wider usage and longer life than traditional battery.
wholesale Energy Storage Battery
Deep cycle Lithium Ion Battery 48V 100Ah solar home storage battery ItemsParameters Nominal voltage48V Typical capacity100卤3Ah( At 0.2C discharge rate) DischargeNormal current25A Max continuous current50A锛堚墹5min锛?/td> Cut-off voltageAbout 40V ChargeVoltage57.6卤0.1V Current鈮?20A Charge modeCC/CV锛宲lease use special lithium charger Inner resistanceDischarging Inner resistance鈮?60m惟 Operation temperature/ humidity rangeCharge0鈩冿綖+45鈩?/td> Discharge-20鈩冿綖+60鈩?/td> When the environment temperature is higher than 45鈩冿紝please pay attention to ventilation and heat rejection. HumidityRH鈮?85%, When the environment humidity is higher than 85%锛宲lease pay attention to protect Operation temperature/ humidity rangetemperature0鈩冿綖40鈩冿紙Capacity 80%锛塕ecommended long-term storage temperature is 15~25鈩?/td> humidityRH鈮?50%锛孍asily oxidized components note sealed Protection functionOver charge protection 銆?Over discharge protection 銆丱ver current protection銆?Temperature protection銆丅alanced function Shell materialSteel shell Weight58.4卤0.1kg Size锛圠*W*H锛?/td> 锛?83卤1锛塵m *锛?30卤1锛塵m *锛?64卤1锛塵m CycleStandard charge at 0.2C锛圓锛? rest 0.5~1 h锛宒ischarge at 0.2C to cut off voltage锛宺est 0.5~1h,repeat the above steps until 1500 cycles.( capacity retention rate鈮?80%) Product characteristics: LCD screen, convenient setting button, painted steel shell, wall mounted accessories and cables. In order to welcome global cooperation, we accept OEM customization of your own products. Intelligent BMS, equalization module, RS485/RS232/CAN communication protocol, matching grid connected, hybrid and off grid solar inverters. Product Introduction: 1.The wall-mounted lithium energy storage battery use long working life LiFePO4 battery, wall mounted installation is more convenient and beautiful, high performance BMSto protect and manage the battery system, it has wider usage and longer life than traditional battery. wholesale Energy Storage Battery website:
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